Chris Canfield
Chris Canfield


The Abyss: What Went Right


Quick Statistics

Working Title:
The Abyss Bridgeway
Christopher L. Canfield
Target Machine:   PIII 800, 128 MB Ram, onboard OpenGL
Game Type: Single, FFA, Team, Tourney
Weapons: 1 Shotgun, 1 Rocket Launcher, 1 Plasma Gun, 2 Grenade Launchers, 1 Rail Gun, 1 Quad Damage, 1 Haste, 1 Flight
Opponents: Hossman Lucy Razor Daemia Stripe Tankjr
Editor Used: Q3Radiant 202, Q3Build 2.0, Pakscape 0.08
Brushes: 2147
Entities: 400
Build Time: 3 Weeks
Compile Time: 4 Hours

See other pictures of this level








Gothic archways are a perfect backdrop
for this rapid combat

1. The Cathedral

Quake 3 A was made for small, circular fighting areas with a lure in the middle. Dominated by quick and dirty shotgun fighting, scrambling to get to higher ground, and high kill levels, this area embodies all of the design goals that ID had in mind when creating the codebase. While it could be said that the intensity of a region in a Q3A level is directly related to the number of access points and the ratio of inputs to outputs, a total which this area excels in, it could also be said that the Cathedral just clicked.

2. Early Empahsis on Compile Times.

It is an urban myth that the visibility stage of a compiling a Q3A map should take a sizable portion of the total time. Early on in our development phase our render times crept up to over eight hours, a cumbersome total at best. With some careful level re-creation, generously marking as detail anything that doesn't provide substantive blocking, and disciplined use of the caulk / nodraw textures, that compile time was dramatically reduced. This map is ideal for detail brushes: almost nothing in this level constitutes a genuine visblocker. While that phase of the process used to constitute the bulk of four hours, by the end of our first pass it had been reduced to 60 seconds, a total where it rests to this day. While in theory this could lead to high polygon counts, due to careful tradeoffs aided by the rapid testing afforded by the visblockers R_speeds levels hardly ever break 5 digits, and never exceed 12,000.

There is also clip brushes throughout the level, on most stairways and around rough textures. This helps to prevent miniature location brushes from being created during the bspc phase, defines regions of space that the compiler doesn't have to run visibility scans for, and makes player movement much smoother than it otherwise would be. This also had the beneficial effect of reducing the aas file (bot AI) by several megs.

3. Good Documentation.

Proper documentation can save a lot of headaches.
Can you spot the broken areaportal?

Never underestimate the importance of quality documentation. If one were so inclined, the history of this level can be traced from the original inspirations through the tribulations of implementation and to completion through the 40 pages of spiral bound documentation. This gave background to the myriad of decisions made throughout the process, and attempted to ensure that while significant design changes could be made, the original intent of the previous creation was not lost. In terms of a project this size, a good design doc lets you know where you are, where you should be, where you have come from, and where you are going. It also simplifies the bug tracking significantly if you have a histogram of when an error manifested.

4. Strong, well-documented engine.

A solid codebase is the backbone to any computer endeavor: it must be robust, well-documented, and open. Quake3Radiant is one of the strongest open-source level editors of any project I've seen, with extensive documentation covering everything from scripting the damage and radiosity of shaders to how the compiler splits regions during the vis phase. Id's commitment to the mod community is further shown by their inclusion of many .h and .c files among the pk3 resources used by Q3A, which people have extrapolated to discover much of the flow of the software. Carmack will even pop his head into the myriad of bulletin boards every now and then to correct a misconception. Q3A is one of the better understood pieces of commercial software on the market today, and that has lowered the division between professional modifications and personal ones. Kudos to ID for letting the community work for them.

...What Went Wrong