"And what shoulder, and what art, Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand? and what dread feet?"
- William Blake














The Story Game Initiates

The Story Game Initiative is an entirely volunteer organization consisting primarily of Ex Stainless Steel Studios employees (creators of Empire Earth and Empires: Dawn of the Modern World). We have professional experience in design, programming, and project management, amongst many others.

This list does not contain all of the developers in the Story Game Initiative, just the most present ones at the time of writing.


Ben Schneider
Lead Designer, Spiritual Guru
Somerville, MA

It was about three years ago, and maybe it was April, but it was definitely the East 86th Street subway, and Ben Schneider was on his way to the Metropolitan Museum when he passed an EB Games, and, not quite knowing why, stopped and looked in. He recalls that the day was warm and sunny. He also recalls that a blue beam of light came out of heaven and hit him squarely between the eyes. If one of the people walking down that street that day, at that moment, had been listening, as he stood there, staring into the store window, they might have heard Ben whisper -- just audibly, not aware that he himself was even talking -- "Story... game... story... game... ye gods and little fishes!" Since that day it has been this poor man's mission -- a mission from God -- to unite as one what were never meant to be: story and game. Will you aid him on his quest?

Chris Canfield
Producer, Heavy Lifter
Cambridge, MA
Website: ChrisCanfield.net  

Despite the recommendations of developmental psychologists, when Chris was five his father took him and sat him down in front of a game he was working on. From this day forward, he knew that games were more than just a source of entertainment: they are a technically skilled art and a genuinely new way of interacting with other people. Later, this would be reinforced by watching other children pass around the calculator games, Wolfenstein levels, and Warcraft arenas that he had worked so hard to design and implement. Having worked on sports games for Sega and the above - mentioned RTS, Chris Canfield is turning his eyes to the real prize: playing out stories with other individuals... The most primal and least understood of human instincts.

Chad Dawson
Programmer, General Savior

Abe Schneider
Programmer, Linux Wizard

David Fox
Writer, Mood Maharishi





... Copyright 2004 The Story Game Initiative
Story is Game | Game is Story